Lecture support for BSF „Information Technology”, I year
Outline of lectures Basic IT concepts Algorithms of data processing Computer networks – Internet Database technology: OLTP and OLAP systems Web and Big Data technologies
Outline of lectures Basic IT concepts Algorithms of data processing Computer networks – Internet Database technology: OLTP and OLAP systems Web and Big Data technologies
Lecture and Computer Lab materials for MBA-BA students: Sylabus MIS MBA-BA-MIS-Information Systems MBA-BA-MIS-Business Intelligence, Cloud Computing and Big Data MBA-BA-MIS-Lab1-2-SQL-Databases Oracle-SQL-Tutorial DescriptionSampleDatabases MBA-BA-MISLab3-4-DM-Algorithms -Orange
Lecture support for students of Master Studies in Finance, II year. The provided support is only related to two my lectures and labs on Clustering
Materiały do wykładu dla studentów Kursu Pedagogicznego Studium Doktoranckiego WUE.
Lecture program (only a part of my lectures): 1. Introduction to data mining 2. Methodology of data mining 3. Data preprocessing techniques 4. Classification and
Summer School on Data Science Wrocław, September, 2016 Please find enclosed the support material for lectures on MINING OF FINANCIAL AND BUSINESS DATABASES Overview of
The support materials for the MBA students. Detailed program: Business Processes Supporting with IT Systems 27.04 9:00-10:30 102CKU 2. Artificial Intelligence in Managerial Knowledge Representation
Support materials of my lectures and seminars at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, February 2019 1: Presentation of the International University of Logistics
The lecture will be given for students of International University of Logistics and Transport, Wrocław, Wednesday, March 27, 2019, 11:30, MWSLiT, room 206 1 załącznik
Materiały do wykładu pt. Sztuczna Inteligencja w Logistyce dla studentów PCz, 2019. Załączone pliki zawierają:– slajdy wykładu– slajdy prezentacji platformy SUMO– opis projektu. Załączony plik