Information Technology in Management
The support materials for the MBA students. Detailed program: Business Processes Supporting with IT Systems 27.04 9:00-10:30 102CKU 2. Artificial Intelligence in Managerial Knowledge Representation
The support materials for the MBA students. Detailed program: Business Processes Supporting with IT Systems 27.04 9:00-10:30 102CKU 2. Artificial Intelligence in Managerial Knowledge Representation
Support materials of my lectures and seminars at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, February 2019 1: Presentation of the International University of Logistics
The lecture will be given for students of International University of Logistics and Transport, Wrocław, Wednesday, March 27, 2019, 11:30, MWSLiT, room 206 1 załącznik
Materiały do wykładu pt. Sztuczna Inteligencja w Logistyce dla studentów PCz, 2019. Załączone pliki zawierają:– slajdy wykładu– slajdy prezentacji platformy SUMO– opis projektu. Załączony plik